شاهد 1200 قناة بالبرنامج الممتاز TV Player Classic
TV Player Classic : برنامج لعرض القنوات التلقزيونية على الكمبيوتر من الانترنت , يسمح بمشاهدة أكثر من 1200 قناة تلفزيونية من كل أنحاء العالم , بكافة اللغات , لا تحتاج لكرت تلفزيون , تحتاج لكرت مودم , مع الكثير من الميزات الأخرى .
برنامج TV Player Classic شاهد قنوات مشفرة شاهد فضائيات مشفرة شاهد التلفزيون على الكمبيوتر شاهد قنوات الشوتايم والـ ART شاهد اوربت والاقمار الاروبية شاهد كل ما تحلم به من القنوات الممنوعة واعرضها على جهازك او كومبيوترك بكل سهولة مع هذا العملاق .
برنامج TV Player Classic مشاهدة قنوات فضائية, قنوات مشفرة, محطات رياضية, محطات افلام, محطات اغاني, صمم هذا البرنامج لمشاهدة قنواتك المفضلة وانت على جهازك دون الحاجة الى كرت ستلايت .
Television Player Classic is a gushing TV station program. It is an application that gathers the connections for different TV
channels the world over that stream content over the Internet.
It ought to be noticed that this is not an application that will permit you to observe ANY TV channel that you need. Every one of the channels that you can watch with this, you can watch from your web browser.Having said that, let me let you know how this really functions.
In the principle window, there is a rundown of nations. Hitting the "in addition to" sign by them, you grow that nation and see what channels are accessible with a little data about them. The data showed for every channel is a channel name, quality and a brief (generally non-clear) synopsis.
When you tap on a channel, an inherent program takes you to that channel if the substance is online. Before opening a required channel, TV Player Classic shows ad taking into account your geographic location.The channels play well and I experienced no difficulty getting a large portion of them to play.
The USA channels are not exceptionally all around composed, and it was extremely troublesome for me to discover the greater part of them. Television Player Classic can likewise be utilized to play feature documents on your PC and to utilize a catch gadget to play feature on the little screen.
It utilizes FFMPEG to decipher feature, so it ought to bolster the most well known codecs.All on the whole, TV Player Classic is a pleasant method for getting to TV content from a solitary area.
In any case, consistent advertisements and the terrible channel association (perhaps it could utilize an all the more effectively available hunt highlight?) truly hurt this current application's possibilities.
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تحياتى للجميع
أتمنى لكم التوفيق من كل قلبى
شاهد 1200 قناة بالبرنامج الممتاز TV Player Classic
Reviewed by Unknown
10:43:00 م